


Bollywood - We Have Arrived

Namaste Fans!

We’re wrapping up our first full week here in Mumbai, India and loving every minute of it! It’s been such a learning experience already in many, many ways. Not only have we been given the opportunity to experience working on a live TV set with Sony Max, we’ve also been blessed with an amazing group of supportive staff as well. Our directors that are here with us, Jonathan Krueger from Woodward
Entertainment Group and our GCC coach Ana De Villegas, have been extremely helpful in guiding us all through this amazing, once in a lifetime journey, as well as all the staff members on set. They’ve even taught me how to speak a little Hindi, a language that I never imagined I’d be surrounded by everyday, let alone learning how to speak it!

Woodward Entertainment Group has done a phenomenal job selecting the girls who traveled with me to this beautiful country. I cannot be more thankful to be a part of this! Performing alongside of me as the 2013 India Premiere League Cheerleaders are Kaitlyn, Katlyn M., Lauren, Morgan, and Sarah. In this first week, we have already become so close and formed friendships that I have no doubt will last a lifetime. We are together almost 12 hours straight, so getting to know my team members is the first of many learning experiences to cherish on this trip. We work so well together, both on and off the stage.

We work every single day, with only two days off throughout the season. The days are sometimes long and can be stressful given the nature of the live taping to billions of cricket lovers. It didn’t really hit me that so many people tune into the IPL Extraaa Innings show like they would to ESPN or SportsCenter back home until I walked into the gym to workout this morning and was greeted with praises from the hotel workers! The other day it was Kaitlyn and Laura's birthdays (they are only 1 day apart!) and they were sent flowers and chocolates and all sorts of goodies to make them feel at home.

It still seems too good to be true, but with all the hard work we’ve been putting in, I know for a fact that it’s real and all I can do is live in this moment. I cannot wait to see what comes of the next 7 weeks and will be keeping all of our fans updated on our happenings and introduce you to the rest of our team and staff.
Thank you all for your continued support and be sure to keep checking in with your 2013 IPL Extraaa Innings Cheerleaders!

GCC Captain

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